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Table 1 PICO(S) scheme for the definition of the inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Moderate evidence exists for four microRNAs as potential biomarkers for tendinopathies and degenerative tendon ruptures at the upper extremity in elderly patients: conclusion of a systematic review with best-evidence synthesis






Study Design


Inclusion criteria

Human studies: subjects of any gender and any age

Measurement of miRNAs associated with tendons, tendinopathies, tendinitis, tendosynovitis, tendinosis, or tenocytes

Measurement of miRNAs from body fluids or by sample collection from biopsies

Intrapersonal comparisons, interpersonal comparisons, pre-post comparisons at one or more time points

Results provide information about tendon-specific miRNAs associated with tendinopathies or degenerative tendon ruptures

Information about regulatory mechanisms or expression patterns of tendon-specific miRNAs

Original data within interventional and descriptive studies

English or German language

Studies with full access

Exclusion criteria


No information about specific miRNAs available

  1. PICO(S) Population Intervention Comparison Outcome Study design, miRNA microRNA