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Table 2 Comparison of baseline demographics between BMI (BMI < 30, BMI 30–40, and BMI > 40) subgroups

From: Robotic-assisted technology does not influence functional outcomes among obese and morbidly obese total knee arthroplasty patients


Non-obese (BMI < 30)

(n = 154)

Obese (BMI 30–40)

(n = 158)

Morbidly Obese (BMI > 40)

(n = 38)

P Value

Age, year* (year)

68.92 (8.47)

64.79 (8.96)

61.80 (7.64)

 < 0.001**

Female sex, n (%)

87 (56.5)

91 (57.6)

28 (73.7)



1.99 (4.06)

-1.92 (3.71)

-2.05 (4.37)

 < 0.001**

  1. *Values provided as mean and standard deviation
  2. **denotes statistical significance
  3. BMI Body mass index, ECI Elixhauser comorbidity index, Ra-TKA Robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty