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Table 2 Comparison of concomitant meniscus surgery during primary ACLR based on surgeon volume

From: Surgeon anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction volume and rates of concomitant meniscus repair


Total cohort (N = 3911)

High-Volume Surgeons* (N = 2004)

Low-Volume Surgeons* (N = 1907)

P *

ACL without meniscus surgery, N (%)

2177 (55.7)

991 (49.5)

1186 (62.2)

< 0.001

ACL with meniscus repair, N (%)

835 (21.4)

641 (32.0)

194 (10.2)

< 0.001

ACL with meniscectomy, N (%)

899 (23.0)

372 (18.6)

527 (27.6)

< 0.001

  1. Reported as N with percentages
  2. ACL Anterior cruciate ligament, ACLR Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
  3. *Chi-square test performed. p-values assessing high-volume versus low-volume groups. Significance set as p < 0.05 (bold)