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Table 1 PubMed search strategy, October 2020

From: Common peroneal nerve palsy after TKA in valgus deformities; a systematic review

(((((((((“arthroplasty, replacement, knee”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“arthroplasty”[All Fields] AND “replacement”[All Fields]) AND “knee”[All Fields])) OR “knee replacement arthroplasty”[All Fields]) OR ((“total”[All Fields] AND “knee”[All Fields]) AND “arthroplasty”[All Fields])) OR “total knee arthroplasty”[All Fields]) OR ((((“arthroplasty, replacement, knee”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“arthroplasty”[All Fields] AND “replacement”[All Fields]) AND “knee”[All Fields])) OR “knee replacement arthroplasty”[All Fields]) OR ((“total”[All Fields] AND “knee”[All Fields]) AND “replacement”[All Fields])) OR “total knee replacement”[All Fields])) OR ((((“arthroplasty, replacement, knee”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“arthroplasty”[All Fields] AND “replacement”[All Fields]) AND “knee”[All Fields])) OR “knee replacement arthroplasty”[All Fields]) OR (“knee”[All Fields] AND “arthroplasty”[All Fields])) OR “knee arthroplasty”[All Fields])) OR ((((“arthroplasty, replacement, knee”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“arthroplasty”[All Fields] AND “replacement”[All Fields]) AND “knee”[All Fields])) “knee replacement arthroplasty”[All Fields]) OR (“knee”[All Fields] AND “replacement”[All Fields])) OR “knee replacement”[All Fields])) OR (“TKA”[Title/Abstract] OR “TKR”[Title/Abstract])) ((((((“genu valgum”[MeSH Terms] OR (“genu”[All Fields] AND “valgum”[All Fields])) OR “genu valgum”[All Fields]) OR (“genu”[All Fields] AND “valga”[All Fields])) OR “genu valga”[All Fields]) OR ((((“genu valgum”[MeSH Terms] OR (“genu”[All Fields] AND “valgum”[All Fields])) OR “genu valgum”[All Fields]) OR (“knock”[All Fields] AND “knee”[All Fields])) OR “knock knee”[All Fields])) OR “knock knees”[Title/Abstract])) (((((((((“arthroplasty, replacement, knee”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“arthroplasty”[All Fields] AND “replacement”[All Fields]) AND “knee”[All Fields])) OR “knee replacement arthroplasty”[All Fields]) OR ((“total”[All Fields] AND “knee”[All Fields]) AND “arthroplasty”[All Fields])) OR “total knee arthroplasty”[All Fields]) OR ((((“arthroplasty, replacement, knee”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“arthroplasty”[All Fields] AND “replacement”[All Fields]) AND “knee”[All Fields])) OR “knee replacement arthroplasty”[All Fields]) OR ((“total”[All Fields] AND “knee”[All Fields]) AND “replacement”[All Fields])) OR “total knee replacement”[All Fields])) OR ((((“arthroplasty, replacement, knee”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“arthroplasty”[All Fields] AND “replacement”[All Fields]) AND “knee”[All Fields])) OR “knee replacement arthroplasty”[All Fields]) OR (“knee”[All Fields] AND “arthroplasty”[All Fields])) OR “knee arthroplasty”[All Fields])) OR ((((“arthroplasty, replacement, knee”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“arthroplasty”[All Fields] AND “replacement”[All Fields]) AND “knee”[All Fields])) OR “knee replacement arthroplasty”[All Fields]) OR (“knee”[All Fields] AND “replacement”[All Fields])) OR “knee replacement”[All Fields])) OR (“TKA”[Title/Abstract] OR

“TKR”[Title/Abstract])) AND “valgus”[All Fields] OR “Joint Deformities, Acquired”[Mesh])