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Table 1 Inclusion, exclusion and PICO (Population Intervention Comparison and Outcome) criteria for this review

From: The composition of cell-based therapies obtained from point-of-care devices/systems which mechanically dissociate lipoaspirate: a scoping review of the literature

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

-Published articles in English or with translation freely available (from any period)

-Full text accessibility

-Study designs (any of): Randomised control trials (RCTs), non-RCTs, prospective and retrospective cohort studies, cross-sectional studies, case–control studies, case series

-Adipose tissue obtained from animals or cadavers

-Enzyme use prior to device/system administration or enzymatic-based devices/systems

-Devices/systems involved in lipotransfer or the harvesting process of adipose tissue eg. AquaVage, and LipiVage [78]

-Case reports, review articles, abstracts, letters and non-peer reviewed articles

-Studies reported in any other language apart from English with no translation

PICO criteria


Human subjects (any age) including source of adipose tissue


Use of commercially available devices and systems to mechanically process lipoaspirate to obtain fresh cells


Any other lipoaspirate-processing technique



Cell concentration at point of isolation, without further expansion in culture


Cell viability, phenotypic analysis and clinical application of the cellular product