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Fig. 6 | Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics

Fig. 6

From: Diminazene aceturate or losartan ameliorates the functional, radiological and histopathological alterations in knee osteoarthritis rodent model: repurposing of the ACE2/Ang1-7/MasR cascade

Fig. 6

Safranin O fast green stained sections of the patellofemoral joint in studied groups. The first column represents low power × 40. The second column shows higher power of square dashed area to the articular cartilage (× 100, scale bar = 200 microns). The third column is a higher power to show the articular cartilage proteoglycan content (× 400, scalebar = 50 microns). The control (CN) group shows a normal architecture of the joint with preserved joint space (*). Higher power reveals a smooth cartilaginous surface with a deep red color indicating high PG content. The highest power shows organized chondrocytes. The OA group shows joint space narrowing (yellow arrow) with severe joint effusion (*). High power shows a total loss of cartilaginous surface. The highest power shows fibrous cap replacing cartilage. The changes were improved in the LOS and DIZE groups. Both groups show restoration of joint space (*) with widening indicating mild effusion. The articular surfaces are smooth with only fine mild irregularities. High power shows viable chondrocytes in deep red matric (increased PG content)

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